Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Crazy, busy green onions

I have been super busy lately. Great time to start a new blog, right?  I have my full time job doing the responsible thing, a part time job at a local yoga studio, and then there's the rest of my life... which I tend to believe is incredibly busy. The rest of my life usually consists of naps, shopping, and hanging out with my boyfriend and other friends. 

Anyways, one of the things I have been learning is food preservation. Of course, we all want to eat healthy... and of course, we don't want to buy produce because it goes bad so quickly! I've been regrowing my green onions from scraps. I thought I would share, in case you have never tried this.

Step One: Buy green onions
Step Two: Put green onions in a glass or jar
Step Three: Put just enough water in the bottom to cover the roots.

Easy Peasy!

But in all seriousness... here are a few more tips:
  • If your green onions have any sections that are dried out and dying, you'll want to peel those off. This will just encourage rotting. 
  • You will also need to change the water every couple of days. I like to take them out when I do, and just make sure there is no mold or rot that is not as easily seen through the grass.
  • You can keep the onions on the countertop or in the refrigerator. However, if you refrigerate them, they will not grow as quickly (and yes, they do regrow!)... So keep that in mind. 
  • Lastly, they will not live forever. Eventually they will start to die. However, you just got a ton more use out of a bunch of green onion!
 I hope you enjoyed this little bit of information and please let me know if you have tried this and if you have any tips you can provide!

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